Many people walk around most of their lives not knowing that they're living inside their largest organ. And that it's constantly protecting us from damage and illness, all whilst holding us together. Our skin is truly incredible, so to show a bit of appreciation, let's take a look at what life would be like if humans didn't have skin.
What Would Happen if Humans Didn't Have Skin?
One of the main purposes of our skin is to protect our other vital organs. It is our barrier between what keeps us alive and the outside world. It blocks germs and toxins whilst regulating our temperature, and is connected to our bones and muscles by subcutaneous tissue. So apart from the fact we'd die very quickly, here's what would happen if we didn't have skin.
1. the obvious - we'd turn into Heidi Klum on Halloween.
All of our muscles, blood, flesh and bones would be exposed. Goodbye eyelids and earlobes, you will be dearly missed.

2. Our muscles would lose most of their stability.
3. Our muscles could move around.
They could move out of their proper placement despite still being attached to the rest of the body.
4. Our major organs would also move around and become dislodged.
(especially in the abdominal region)
5. Our bones would get scratched and damaged without the skin protecting them despite how strong they are.

6. The skin stops millions upon millions of microbes and particles entering our body per second.
Without out, these have direct access to thrive on our insides.
8. Due to this we would slowly get mouldy and rotten.
9. Toxins and poisons would be able to pass through us easily.

10. We would have no nerves endings providing us the sensation of touch.
11. There are nerves in other body parts but without the ones in our skin, the brain wouldn't compute a message and send out a signal of pain.
This is why third degree burns are so infamous, as they can be painless but only due the severe damage the skins nerve endings have endured.
12. Now step outside.... We would have absolutely no UV protection, and nothing to stop the light and radiation damage from killing us.

13. Under sunlight, our organs and muscles would quickly shrivel.
(as our skin protects them from dehydration)
14. Our bodily fluids would evaporate.
15. As the skin aids the regulation of body temperature, we would overheat without being able to cool down, and then die.
16. Our heart would be cooked inside our rib cage.
17. We would no longer be water resistant and degrade into mush if it started to rain.
There are many treatments and alternatives for areas of the body that have lost or damaged skin, but advancements in skin technology are rapid, with scientists in our very own Melbourne, Australia have developed a durable, stretchy and flexible artificial skin that they say can sense pain and touch like normal human skin. Our skin is essential to us. And if we take care of her well and correctly, she transform into and remain her strong, smooth and radiant self.